Friday, April 7, 2017

Scribblings LJ takes refuge at Scribblings Blogger

Some time last week, LiveJournal bloggers discovered that the LJ server had decamped to Russia. This is neither a joke nor fake/faux news. If you have doubts, read the following extract from Wikipedia,

"...Six Apart sold LiveJournal to Russian media company SUP Media in 2007; the service continued to operate out of the U.S. via a California-based subsidiary, LiveJournal, Inc., but began moving some operations to Russian officies in 2009. In December 2006, the service quietly re-located its servers to Russia, and in April 2017, LiveJournal became subject to Russian law."

Or head right to the LJ ( site. I can't say what non-LJ bloggers will see when they reach the site, but those of us who 'own' a blog there cannot access it until we agree to new "non-binding?" LJ terms of service. Written by someone for whom English is a 2nd language. Please take special note of the warning that political topics are no longer permitted.

I discovered all this just yesterday and immediately googled "LiveJournal" for corroboration. Most of the entries on the first screen were written by LJ-bloggers who were in the act of fleeing the site --like rats scrambling overboard from a sinking ship.



Nothing against rats but I'm one of the kittens or puppies or kangaroos also running in the opposite direction. Blogger is my opposite direction of choice since it's already home to my "The Daily Scroll" blog.

My flight from my original "Scribblings" LJ to my"Scribblings" refuge here at Blogger will be slow-paced even assuming that I can transfer 10 entries at a time as I hope. LJ displays entries in clumps of ten. I hope to do transfers for an hour each day--posting them here from the most recent (Dec 2015) back until I reach the earliest from 2007.

And off we go!

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